Experience The Difference
Neuromuscular therapy is a terrific resource for almost anyone suffering from specific or persistent pain, offering incredibly rapid results, often after just one visit. Whilst a standard Swedish or deep tissue massage may be very relaxing, in most cases it does not address and treat the root cause of your pain or injury.
This is not conventional massage therapy, nor is it the place for a nice relaxing massage. It is, however, a place where your pain and suffering have a very real possibility of becoming a 'thing of the past'. Clients find the treatment much more effective than those previously received from physiotherapists, chiropractors and conventional massage therapists.
Neuromuscular therapy is not a 'miracle cure-all' and, like all forms of therapy and treatment, has its limitations. However, significant relief from muscular pain is almost always achieved. Even when pain emanates from a damaged joint, which may require surgical intervention, some relief can still be achieved by relaxing and releasing tension in the surrounding and supporting muscles and nerves. Pain is alleviated through muscle separation and neuromuscular techniques which facilitate healing. The place where the pain is experienced is rarely the true, actual source of the discomfort.
What is Neuromuscular Therapy?
Neuromuscular therapy is an intense form of bodywork designed to alleviate tension that extends from a 'trigger point' into an entire muscle using intense, concentrated pressure on that area.
When a muscle (or trigger point) spasms in the body, blood flow to that area is severely decreased, sometimes ceasing altogether. When the blood flow is diminished, oxygen necessary for the muscle to work properly is also decreased causing inflammation, soreness and pain.
This effect is exacerbated when a muscle spasm places pressure on a nerve or series of nerves resulting in numbness, immobility and tingling. This is the true nature of many physical injuries, aches and pains.
Pain is relieved when the spasm is neutralized and blood flow is restored to the area.